A little bit of this and that...

This past week
I visited both Kayenzi and Rubirizi. At Catherine Booth preschool the cildren greeted us with a drama and sang for us.
Porridge and drawings
Then they had porridge and I gave a small talk and gave two children their drawings in nice frames (as they are now finalists) as part of the big Preschool Competition (the winner will be announced in January) 
Uniform for teachers...
When in Kayenzi I also had some time to see my proposal for staff uniform as the young women at the vocational training had made an example. It almost looks like I want it too, so I think it will be good.
Now I need to get those fabric labels; the shield with "THE SALVATION ARMY" on them.
Maybe some of our donors can help us with that? We will need fifteen items to put on the teachers uniforms.


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