Monday Morning

Early this morning the birds sang and the sunrise was so beautiful.
Today I will meet to do a review of term 2 Administration and Finance Administration of preschool. In a country where receipts only come in shops in the cities, it takes some work to help and support the administrators in their job. In some rural areas trade is still the normal way to shop and receipts, who needs receipts? This is a constant challenge for us, but we do our very best. We encourage our people to ask for receipts, even if we know the seller might not have any to give. Maybe some day, there will be a change and we will find more of those salesmen that do keep receipting as a part of their business - then we use that business instead.
Book keeping is a new custom here and I am happy that the staff are willing to learn, so that we can do right by our sponsors and donors.
Have a good day everybody!
Photos: Anna-Maria Tuftström
Photo shop work: Anna-Maria Tuftström Photos can be used by permission within The Salvation Army and by recognition of the photographer next to the photo (for originals email us)


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