Drummer boys at John Gowans preschool

Let me introduce the John Gowans drummer boys team!
From early age the children hear beats and feel rythm, being carried on the back of their
mothers, dancing and playing on the drums... In preschool they even have competitions
that you can sign up for.

So did the teacher for John Gowans, he signed up the boys from the preschool.
When I came to visit the preschool in July together with Lt Jean Baptiste, who helped with
the translation,  they showed me their program, they did very well!
So when they asked if we could get some drums for the team, how could I refuse?

Thanks to institutional support, we have some funding for toys and material
and this was a very nice present for them, something they will enjoy for a long time
We can be proud for them and the other children were proud for their friends.

How did it go for the drummer boys?
They won and won again and came to be in the region finale. Now, I don´t know how they
did, I will find out next time I visit them :)
Now the girls want to have a dance team... We have to do something about that, I believe.

When we left to go for porridge I greeted every child in English and they greeted me back.
Hallo, what is your name?
Hallo, my name is...

Then we waited for everyone to be ready to go to the little kitchen we rent where the cook
had prepared porridge for the children. After three hours in school they all long for some food
and we are happy that we can provide it for them. For some this will be the only nutrition of the day.
After having porridge I got to sit down with four children. I asked them what they like in
school, what they play and if they know what they want to work with when they have gone
to school and gotten an education...
No surprise, we had a dancer, a teacher and a doctor among us. Driving a car or a bus
could also be an alternative. Football is fun, singing and praying was also mentioned.
As long as it could be done with friends Everything was fun, it seemed. Favourite food
could be cassava, ubugali, maise and rice.
Well, time to leave, see you next time - and then we will know the result of the drummer
boys competition...

Anna-Maria/ Sponsorship Sec
Copyright: Photos and text Anna-Maria Tuftstrom/The Salvation Army Rwanda and Burundi Command
All use of text and photos allowed only within the Salvation Army


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