At the (new) beginning PART 3

Things are going really well right now! Our Section Officer, Captain Obed went to Rubirizi
during last week to check the work that the builder are doing and came home with photos
of the new hall.
Now we can see the walls, where there will be windows and where there will be doors :)
Below you can see where the entrance of the hall will be.
On the right side (towards the road) there will be two windows
On the left side (towards the mountain) there will be two windows...
and a door in the back, by the "platform" but without the platform ;)
The walls are made by mudbricks; mud, sand and dung formed into cubes that dries in
the sun and then get stuck together with wet mud.
It´s looking good and we will soon need to think about how to make it a nice hall and a
good and safe preschool to be in :)
 Next Friday we will visit again, bringing all the waterbottles we´ve been collecting. It will
give some ease in the neverending story of walking 6 kilometers to get water from
nearest waterwell.
Photos and Copyright: Anna-Maria Tuftstrom
You are not allowed to use/share/save these photos without permission from Anna-Maria Tuftstrom.

Dolls for Gituro

 Now three dolls are on the way home - home to Gituro preschool in Nygatare Section.
Yesterday, Captain Grace, Section Officer and School Administrator received the dolls from Sponsorship Department to bring to the children next week.
Photos and Copyright: Anna-Maria Tuftstrom
Free to use within the Salvation Army. Please get originals by contacting us.


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