Started with parents. And the parents committee is put in place to monitor the running of the school.
The school has 80 Children attending the Preschool from 43 last year
• The Preschool is not sponsored but the TSA support in small things like when the donations come. We buy them materials, such as learning materials tables and chairs for both children and the teachers.
The school is really struggling on their own to pay the two teachers, but its not easy.
• Sometimes the teachers do not get all their salaries.
From the donations sent to us
• Rubuye Preschool is able to take porridge at school and sit on good nice chairs and tables.
In 2012, after seeing that there was a challenge of children who were in the community, without any proper care the Salvation Army, Rubuye outpost encouraged the parents to start a preschool using the hall of the Salvation Army. It started with 100 children. It has now 1 teacher. This school is self supporting; there is no other source of income apart from school fees which is very low. This money is used to pay the teacher. They don’t have classrooms, playground, they don’t have feeding programme and some children just come from home without taking anything because of poverty

The child without uniform is total orphan no one to take care of him. He depends on the preschool where he gets happiness.

The shoes were supported from the Waverly temple and we are very grateful since the children and their parents are happy for the Salvation army. And they say thank you and god bless them. even the Learning materials we are grateful
I have the pleasure to visits 9 Preschools in our Command. These are Rubirizi Preschool sponsored by Sweden/Latvia territory, Rutobwe Preschool Sponsored by AUS territory, Catherine Booth kayenzi sponsored by AUS territory, Nyagatare, Gituro Preschool sponsored by AUS territory, Rwimiyaga Preschool sponsored by Netherlands territory. The five Sponsored preschools. I also visited the none- sponsored preschools. These are; Bitare Preschool, Rubuye Preschool, Rukeri Preschool and Runda Preschool which is sponsored by small donations.
The Visits started on 01.09.2016 from chq going to Nyagatare and Rwimiyaga preschools. The journey started at 6.30 a.m and arrived first at Rwimiyaga at 09.00 a.m and we found children waiting for us together with their teachers. And later the section officer and the corps leader came in. I had to speak to the children and the teachers concerning the preschools. When I asked if the children were taking Porridge, the teachers answered me no for two weeks. The corps leader closed the porridge flour in the office and he was not giving out the key because of his personal issues with the section officer.
I had to solve the problem before handing over the School materials which were books, pencils, pens,markers,erasers,plastic cups 48,plastic basin1,jugs 2, drawing books, black board erasers, A4 papers 1 ream, 2 boxes chalks, and other small things. And all this came from the donations sent for gifts.
The place is very dry, for almost one year without rain, no food water and people are running away to look for green pastures. The children are only depending on the porridge given to them for their going. Animals are dying because of lack of water and grass. And even life has really changed for everybody. The school has 58 Children with 2 teachers and 1 cook/cleaner and it’s doing well. On behalf of the children they appreciate so much for th
I arrived there at 10.30 a.m and I got the children learning English. It was wonderful to hear them read the words like jug cup. The section officer was able to introduce me to the children and the teachers and later I had time to speak to the children telling them the purpose of my visit. The Children were very happy to hear that I had brought them materials for learning because some had no book to write and even pens.
The place is the same as that of rwimiyaga, very dry and people are really running from the place to look for food and water for their families. They get water from very far and one Jeri can is 400 rwf. Which is too expensive? Even the section officer has to hire somebody to bring them water because the tank they have has no water and it needs repair before the rain starts.. So life in Nyagatare is very hard.
I had time to hand over the preschool materials to the section officer who is the school administrator. I gave out; exercise books, Drawing books 3 dozens, Pencils 50, pens 10 erasers 6,2 sauce pans,2 basins, 48 plastic cups, 2 jugs,1 football ball, chalks 2 boxes, blackboard dusters, manila papers, Note books for teachers, red pens. The Children are happy playing with the ball, though the son is too hot as seen. Thanks to all our donors for the donations for gifts. They need to have classrooms.
The journey started from Chq at 7.00 am on 04.09.2016 accompanied by Section Officer Captain Obed who is the school administrator. Candidate secretary/education Coordinator captain Damascene. And the journey was okay and we arrived at 9.30.a.m.and we got the children and the teachers waiting for us by singing and dancing. Rubirizi preschool is situatedose sponsoring them and making sure they are learning as other preschool.
I arrived there at 10.30 a.m and I got the children learning English. It was wonderful to hear them read the words like jug cup. The section officer was able to introduce me to the children and the teachers and later I had time to speak to the children telling them the purpose of my visit. The Children were very happy to hear that I had brought them materials for learning because some had no book to write and even pens.
The place is the same as that of rwimiyaga, very dry and people are really running from the place to look for food and water for their families. They get water from very far and one Jeri can is 400 rwf. Which is too expensive? Even the section officer has to hire somebody to bring them water because the tank they have has no water and it needs repair before the rain starts.. So life in Nyagatare is very hard.
I had time to hand over the preschool materials to the section officer who is the school administrator. I gave out; exercise books, Drawing books 3 dozens, Pencils 50, pens 10 erasers 6,2 sauce pans,2 basins, 48 plastic cups, 2 jugs,1 football ball, chalks 2 boxes, blackboard dusters, manila papers, Note books for teachers, red pens. The Children are happy playing with the ball, though the son is too hot as seen. Thanks to all our donors for the donations for gifts. They need to have classrooms.
The journey started from Chq at 7.00 am on 04.09.2016 accompanied by Section Officer Captain Obed who is the school administrator. Candidate secretary/education Coordinator captain Damascene. And the journey was okay and we arrived at 9.30.a.m.and we got the children and the teachers waiting for us by singing and dancing. Rubirizi preschool is situated

Term 3 started on 17th August and ended on 6th Nov 2015, and it was time for the Section officers to come for preschool reporting term3. The time available was according to the school year plan. On 17.11.2015, Section officers, and Lt from Rutobwe and Runda arrived at the CHQ ready for preschool reporting. We shared 10 o’clock tea, before starting the reporting and this was the best reporting since all the school Administrators were present from all our six sponsored preschools. These are: Rubirizi sponsored by Sweden/Latvia territory, Catherine Booth, sponsored by AUS territory,Gituro,Nyagatare sponsored by AUS,John Gowans sponsored by Netherlands territory,Rutobwe Preschool, sponsored by AUS territory, and Rondo the latest sponsored by AUS. We shared our tea with our General Secretary Major Dieudonne Louzolo and CSWM. Major Edith Louzolo together with our workers.
The reporting started at 10.30, with encouraging words from our General Secretary. The word came from Hebrews 13:17 saying obey your leaders and follow their orders. It was very touching indeed and there after he prayed together with us before we can start. The reporting was done by Sponsorship Secretary Captain Violet Nyongesa, Finance Secretary Captain Leonard Nyongesa and Education secretary Captain Dancille Mukafuraha. We were checking the Bank statements, Bank Slips, receipts, Statistics, Narrative report, Challenges, Finance book, attendance book, Class diary.
Rubirizi preschool is in the Kayonza district. It has 2 teachers and one cook who is also dealing with the collection of school fees and writing the receipts book. 53 Children are attending the preschool. But 7 of them are sick.
46 Children have paid school fees, 46,000 per term but 7 have not paid.
Receipt book: well written and it is neat.
Bank slips: Well organized and was presented well.
Bank statements: Not given since the signatories were changed. Only leadership is given since they are the signatories.
Finance book: The book is neat and well balanced. Children are paying well the school fees. Money pad term 3 is 234,300 Rfw.
Budget: No budget was presented for 2016. It will be decided later.
Narrative report: It was presented well and well written indicating what is taught in preschool and the activities done. The children are taught Pre Maths, Pre English, and Kinyarwanda. Activities: Games $sports, building a tower, and hide game.
Statistics: Sept, 904, Aug 264, Oct 801. Then Boys: 23 and Girls: 30.
Expenses: Rubirizi were given 341,000Rwf, for the term 3 budget and it was all used attach the receipts well.
Class diary: It is written well and is very neat. The teachers know what they are doing.
School curriculum is used, morning devotion is done and staff meeting is held every Friday.
Lesson preparation book: was seen and the lessons are prepared well.
Attendance book: It is Okay. The attendance term 3 is 172
Challenges: Increment of teachers’ salaries.
- They want to know the Social security number.
- Lack of classrooms.
- School Play ground
- Some children are not paying school fees.
- No proper school shoes.
Achievements: Children are clean and smart.
Ø They are taught well and wish to have their own primary school.
Ø The school management is doing well.
Ø Section Officer captain Obed is doing well making follow ups frequently
Ø The amount of money they have in the bank to date is 1,037,000 Rwf.
Led by Lt Jean Bosco. It has 50 children attending preschool with one teacher and one cook. Receipt Book: No receipt book used term 3 because of thechildren not payingwell. The term 2 receipt book got finished, and therefor they have to request it for next year.
Bank slips: Bank slips were submitted and they were ok and the money deposited term 3 is 62,000 Rfw.
Bank Statements: Not submitted since Lt Bosco is not a signatory. 30,000 are reflected on the bank statement but 32,000 is not reflected because it was banked later. It will be reflected to the next bank statements.
Finance Book: The book was presented during the reporting but it was not easy to audit since there was no receipt book. Children who have paid school fees term 3:
- 27 Children paid 2,000[54,000]
- 8 Children paid 1,000[8,000]
- 15 Children have not paid.
- TOTAL: 62,000Rwf.
Way forward for those who have not paid: The Lt called the parents and they discussed together the problem and they promised to pay. The Children cannot go to primary without report card.
Deposits to Bank: First term: 90, 000, Second term: 76,000 and third term: 62,000=228,000Rwf.
Narrative report: well written indicating the subjects taught and the activities done in preschool.
Interested Stories: Received donations for levelising the ground. Has one classroom with two doors one for the handicapped.
Challenges: Need of another teacher to assist teacher Nadine who is struggling with 50 children with various ages.
- Sports materials needed
- Swings and playground [This will attract a lot of children to school]
Problems Facing Rutobwe Preschool. Paying school fees is a problem, so the Lt has decided that the parents will be paying in two terms and third term is only learning.
v They now have a classroom
v The account is trying to be ok though there is little problem in the account. The corps officer will bring the letter indicating the problem.
v The teacher is trying so hard to improve the standard of the school.
v Tailoring Class has started in Rutobwe and it is doing well.
Boys: 30
Girls: 20
Teacher: 1
Cleaner: 1
Expenses and Receipts attached. Was well used because the money they were given for term 3 budget was 267,000 and was all used well and the receipts attached well.
Class Diary. Not brought but they have it.
Attendance Book. Well written and well kept.
NB: Rutobwe preschool is doing well despite of the teacher handling the 50 children alone. The school Administrator is doing fine. They really need a teacher by next year to take over one classroom.
Violet Nyongesa Captain Dancille Mukafuraha Captain
Sponsorship secretary Education Secretary.