Catherine Booth preschool monitoring visit part 2
Education Secretary Captain Dancille Mukafarah and Sponsorship Secretary Captain
Violet Nyongesa talking to the Children at Catherine Booth preschool
Violet Nyongesa talking to the Children at Catherine Booth preschool

Sponsorship Secretary and Education secretary are now with the
children and their teachers and even the Administrator, Capt Jean
Damascene was at Catherine Booth preschool.
Damascene was at Catherine Booth preschool.

The Children received stickers from our friends in Australia :)

The children are now taking their delicious porridge wheat
mixed with millet to give the strength as the Sponsorship
Secretary watch them take the porridge. The cook is doing
a very nice work just to make sure the children are well fed.

We also managed to visit the pig project. they started with 6 pigs but now they are 18 pigs
and others are yet to be born
and others are yet to be born

Sponsorship Secretary Capt. Violet Nyongesa giving the teachers and the
cook their Christmas gift and the Bonus and they went home smiling,
as seen from the Picture.

cook their Christmas gift and the Bonus and they went home smiling,
as seen from the Picture.

Captain Violet Nyongesa Sponsorship Secretary presenting the gift and the
bonus to Mrs. leoncie Nyirahabimana and she was surprised because
she was not expecting that.
bonus to Mrs. leoncie Nyirahabimana and she was surprised because
she was not expecting that.

And also presenting it to Martha uwimana for the good work
they are doing in the preschool.
they are doing in the preschool.

Captain Violet Nyongesa is giving the cook the Christmas
and bonus for keeping our preschool children well by feeding them.

and bonus for keeping our preschool children well by feeding them.

Monitoring visit to Catherine booth preschool, Kayenzi part 1

On 18.07.2014 the journey started well from CHQ at
7.30.m. to Catherine Booth Preschool Kayenzi. We arrived
well and the teachers children and the Administrators
were really waiting for us.
7.30.m. to Catherine Booth Preschool Kayenzi. We arrived
well and the teachers children and the Administrators
were really waiting for us.

It was a warm welcome to the Sponsorship Secretary
and the Education Secretary. It was the first time Sponsorship
Secretary was visiting the Preschool to check on the projects.
and the Education Secretary. It was the first time Sponsorship
Secretary was visiting the Preschool to check on the projects.