Greeting from the Sponsorship Secretary
Hallo, I am the new Sponsorship Secretary. My name is Captain Violet Nyongesa. I come
from Kenya west Territory and will be in Rwanda and Burundi Command.
from Kenya west Territory and will be in Rwanda and Burundi Command.

I am still new in the office but I believe I will get used to this new appointment. When I
go wrong just bare with me and with time all will be ok. Thank you for the work you have
go wrong just bare with me and with time all will be ok. Thank you for the work you have
been doing to make sure that all preschools are doing well.
May God bless you!
May God bless you!
Copyright text and photos: The Salvation Army, Rwanda and Burundi Command
CHQ water recuperation tank !
This is water tank which is used to keep water from CHQ building
and this water is used day by another by CHQ employees and
Kigali central corps in times when water from EWSA ( Energy
Water Sanitation Authority ) is not there.

How confident am I?
I am Innocent, I have been working in Projects department for the Salvation Army in
Rwanda and Burundi Command since February 2014.
Rwanda and Burundi Command since February 2014.

I didn't know all from the start but until now I have been trained on projects proccessing
and monitoring. I was also trained about sponsoring during this time. I am very
happy for this knowledge and I thank all friends who have helped me to be at this
level . In addition, I am preparing and confidently do my work and depend on skills
and knowledge acquired.