Give me a chance...

... and I will take it!
In Kayenzi, the Corps together with local community discussed what to do for unskilled and vulnerable women. Thanks to a Faith Based Fascilitation (FBF) a small vocational training program came to be. With a woman from the village offering her skills as teacher, fifteen women started learning from her. I think they started out with three sewing machines and a hope for a better life
Now, a year later, there is a new teacher and new students, young and unskilled with
no chance of paying the large school fees for theoretical schooling nor for public vocational
training. Here at the Salvation Army, the project started with one small room, 3x2,5 m.
Today, two more rooms (office and storage have been moved) have been made available
for the young women.
The students here pay 3500Rwf/$US6 per month during 9 months. At a public vocational
training they would pay 10000Rwf/$US16, so this is a wonderful thing for these vulnerable
ladies (salary for a housekeeper is 40000Rwf per month, office staff around 80-120000Rwf
depending on job qualifications).
We are now about to start vocational training programs in other areas so we visit this
training in order to learn from mistakes and successes :)
Jan Janssen is here visiting us during some days. He is here to follow up on the projects
that the Salvation Army in Holland is sponsoring in Rwanda.
It is a good help to meet sometimes to talk and evaluate so we welcome him to see for himself
some of the projects that are on the agenda right now and for the future.
It is so nice to get visits from The Salvation Army representatives from all around the world,
to see needs and plan for good empowering projects; with the purpose of giving a better
chance in life, whether it be possibility to livelyhood, ability to read and write or getting
clean water...
Just so you know - they wish for a electric sewing machines; 100000Rwf/$US165 and a 
professional computer sewing machine so they can make embroidery and traditional sewing
on the traditional clothing. I estimate the cost from 500000Rwf/$US850 - 1000000Rwf/ $US16500
depending on quality.
Anna-Maria/ Sponsorship Sec
Copyright: Photos and text Anna-Maria Tuftstrom/The Salvation Army Rwanda and Burundi Command
All use of text and photos allowed only within the Salvation Army


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